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  • Writer's pictureChris O'Mara

Talk to the Brand...

...because the face is melting off...


What a surprise that staring at a computer screen for 14 hours a day results in lower back pain, missed mealtimes and an overwhelming urge to poke my own eyes out.

I tip my hat to you desk jobbers. It takes a certain type of person to spend so long at a desk, furiously clicking a mouse, screaming at slow internet connections or poorly constructed programming.

And yet, I find myself almost 2 weeks in to creating every possible branding and marketing tool for PTOMara, and no end in site. Apps personalised, websites generated, endless graphics in every shape and size for every social media outlet possible. Business cards. Animated logos. Even a fancy email that sends automatically after your first Consultation Call that personalises your program offers.

It's a far cry from the glitz and glamour of two years in a West End show - and I'm sure I'll bore you with the details of that in a future post, if I haven't already brought it up in every conversation I've had with you ever.

It's hard work, in a very different way. Dusting off those corners of the brain that once understood the intricacies of photo editing and website coding has been a bigger task than I had anticipated.

But it's also a necessity.

Because it ensures the best possible product for the people that deserve it. I need my future clients to feel proud to be on their fitness journey - and as ridiculous as it may sound, that starts with good branding.

PTOMara isn't about throwing a one-size-fits-all workout your way. I want to create a brand that clients are proud to wear, to show off, to celebrate and to be a part of. Soon, an online community. Later, a nationwide organisation that still provides the tongue-in-cheek professional service to every client as if it was my first.

And that all starts in my bedroom, at my desk, with Doctor Who on in the background, staring at the computer screen for 14 hours a day.

PTO. Proper Technical Offerings.


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